4-H is a community of six million young people across America learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. 4-H programs are implemented by 109 Land-grant Universities and the Cooperative Extension System through their 3,100 local Extension offices across the country.
Belonging to 4-H provides many educational opportunities each time you participate in an activity. “Learning by doing” through hands-on activities and community involvement empowers 4-H members to develop and strengthen life skills. We have found that behind each successful 4-H member stands 4-H parents and families with encouragement, guidance, and support.
4-H is a unique educational program for students in elementary through high school. It encourages diverse groups of youth to develop their skills and talents to the fullest. As 4-H’ers, youth actively participate in activities, events and projects that develop and strengthen life skills. 4-H is open to everyone. Each county has exciting and fun programs!
4-H is first offered to 4th graders and continues to be available through the senior year of high school. Our local 4-H agents meet with 4th thru 8th graders each month at school throughout the school year. High school students in 9th thru 12th grade have information made readily available to them for each activity offered in which they may participate.
4-H Pledge
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service,
and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.